Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas 2009

Well Christmas 2009 is in the books and boy will it be one we will never forget. 20 inches of snow and wind over 4 days. I feel blessed that we got to spend time with both families even though it wasn't the timeline we had planned on. So many people I have talked to never even got to leave home and didnt see any extended family for the holidays. We had a wonderful time being snowed in at my in-laws in Sioux falls. The kids had fun with their cousins and the adults enjoyed the rest and relaxation- well except for my Mother in law- she cooked and cleaned like a crazy lady! We are grateful for her :) We were never able to make it over to Mitchell so My folks, Grandma and brother came to Yankton on Sunday so we could have a mini Chrismtas celebration here. It was so nice to see them even if it was for just the day. Well I should probably be working on my christmas letter and card instead of blogging- my plan was to get a picture for our card of the kids in their Christmas outfits- well, that never happened since church on Christmas eve was cancelled! So much for that idea. I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!

Thursday, December 17, 2009


In the van today after school this conversation took place.

Madelyn- "mama"
Me- "Yes Madelyn"
Madelyn- "even when I go to college I will not leave you home alone- I am going to live with you and Daddy forever"
Me-"Thats nice of you Maddie, but lets wait and see how you feel when its time to go to college"
Madelyn "MOM! I am not leaving!"
Me- no comment :)

I had to laugh as I envisioned this picture 14 years from now- A grown up Madelyn with her backpack all ready for college but still living with us! Not sure how we feel about that :)

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

C is for Cookie

Enjoyed a morning with great friends, a rolling pin, and lots of frosting and sprinkles. It is definately more fun to make cut out sugar cookies with a group of chatty friends. Now I need to plate these cookies and start giving them away so they will not continue to tempt me! Try to not salivate when looking at these pictures :)

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

a boy and some eggs

OWEN CLIFFORD! was what I yelled when I walked around the island to find the mess. To top it all off I was right in the middle of making a recipe that required 2 eggs AND I was planning on having french toast for supper. So it looks like we will be making a trip to the grocery store for eggs. I also posted a picture that reminds me why I always forgive him- he is so sweet and I know he loves his Mama! This mama does not share ice cream with just anyone:)

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Word of the week

Lauren's word of the week is "legend" So we decided to present a tall tale from Paul Bunyan and his ox named Babe. This gives me a perfect excuse to post a picture of my very handsome nephews Adam and Jake. They dressed up as Paul Bunyan and his Ox for Halloween this past year. Too cute!!!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Snow day!

We woke up to 7 inches of snow, lots of wind and bitter cold! That can only mean one thing... NO SCHOOL!! We decided to make some cut out cookies- it was fun but mom is exhausted as she was left cutting out cookies long after everyone else got bored of it.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Lauren is 8!

A very special event took place 8 years ago today. Our firstborn Lauren entered the world and we will be forever grateful! Thanks for 8 wonderful years Lauren! I attached pictures of her family party and the party she had with her friends.
When we lived in Omaha we celebrated most special events by eating out at the Red Robin. It was our favorite place! So today I thought it would be fun to have a girls day and travel to Sioux City where they happen to have a Red Robin and have lunch. Will was hunting and Owen got to stay here with a sitter. We had a great day celebrating the day Lauren was born :)

Friday, December 4, 2009

Away in the manger

We have been looking for just the right manger scene to display outside our home for a few years now. It looks like white wood but its actually some type of industrial pvc piping material. You never know what you might find on the internet! I will let you know how it survives the holiday season.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Just call me Ma....

The word of the week for Lauren's class is "Pioneer". So, we consulted one of our favorite pioneers known as Grandma Darlene :) She borrowed us her butter churner. The girls and I decided to give it a trial run last night- 45 minutes later it made wonderful butter! Lauren is going to take it to school on Friday and demonstrate for the class. Well, the wood burning stove needs to be attended to and my wash board is awaiting me. Ma