Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Easter 2015

 I still love to set a beautiful table for a special meal
 Easter baskets!
 Off to church!
 Uncle Jordan home for the holiday
 Preparing for the Easter Egg Hunt
 Ready, set, GO!
 A motley crew!
 3 Generations!
Ending a day of non-stop eating with a few side planks!

Winter 2015 happenings

 Yankton Children's Choir Concert

 Lincoln School Winter Concert- both kids had a speaking part!
 Piano Contest.  All 3 girls awarded blue ribbons!
 One of many traveling basketball tournaments with Lauren's team the Zelle's and Jillian's team the Sparkx.  Lots of good times with friends! 
Jillian and her teammates after a runner-up finish

 Jillian and her friends the morning after a Sparkx sleepover.  They serenaded Owen that morning for his 7th birthday.
Toby and Ruby.  They are good buddies!

Winter birthdays

We had our annual 3 generation birthday party in January.  My dad and I celebrated with a gourmet cake from a bakery in Mitchell and Jillian and Owen had Éclair dessert.  Jillian got an Ipad mini so she was pretty excited! Owen turned 7 and Jillian turned 11.