Sunday, November 22, 2009

The night it all began.....

I had to post 2 blogs today as I noticed the date on the calendar and realized that Will and I had our first date 17 years ago today. I am now realizing what an accomplishment it was to snag him during the hunting season. I don't think I have seen him on a November 22nd since that first date :) I love you "babe"

I am embarrased to say I had to search a long time to find a picture of the two of us to post tonight. The picture I used is at least 3 years old. I am going to try harder to get the two of us in a few pictures from now on.

From one driveway to the next....

We had a wonderful time with our dear friends the Christo's this weekend. We are so grateful for our years together on Grand Avenue in Omaha! The kids picked up right where they left off. It was neat to see Courtney and Madelyn connect so quickly. They were only 18 months when we moved away, so they never had the chance to develop the strong friendships that the twins and Lauren and Jillian did. As always its bittersweet to spend time with them now. We miss them all so much. Thank goodness for pictures and tons of memories! I dusted off a few old pictures from Omaha and I also attached a few from this weekend.