Monday, November 30, 2015

Owen-Flag Football-Bears

Owen played his second year of flag football for the Bears.  Will, Blake and Tyler Carda and Ryan Guthmiller were his coaches.  He loved to pull flags and of course carry the ball.  Will enjoys coaching as much as Owen enjoys playing so its a great time for both of them.

Lauren XC-2015

 Brandon Valley.  Started off the year with a 5th place finish! She trained all summer long.  She and several of her teammates met at the lake 3 days a week to run.  When she wasn't running with them, she ran on her own as well as taking strength and conditioning classes.  She also attended a week long XC camp in Brookings.  Her hard work really paid off this year.

 After a disappointing few races due to a terrible long lasting cold, she was finally ready to roll at ESD.  She got 16th place.  Just missed a medal by one spot. Here she is with her teammates and coaches walking to the start line.
 Celebrating with her mentor and friend Savannah Woods

 The morning of the State meet.  She let me help with her hair!!!  She had no emotional energy left to fight me.  The nerves had set in! 

 Heading down the first stretch after the start.
 The proud family after her 13th place finish at State!!  She remembered missing out on that medal by one spot at ESD and told herself that was not going to happen at the state meet.  She ran a PR and had a great day all around. 
On the awards stand taking pictures.

First day 2015

 Annual Back to School Supper.  Unfortunately, our week was so busy we had to condense it to just a dessert, but we had fun nonetheless!
 Our bible verse for 2015 was 2 Timothy 2:15-17

Lauren-8th, Jillian-6th, Madelyn-4th, Owen-2nd

Madelyns turns 10!

Madelyn celebrated her 10th birthday by the pool with her friends .  She decided she wanted homemade blizzards instead of a cake.  We also had cheeseballs and punch!  We celebrated with the family up in Sioux Falls as well.  She got an Ipad mini for her birthday which was a BIG surprise!

DeSmet SD Trip

 I had promised the kids a trip to DeSmet SD to see the homestead of Laura Ingalls Wilder. Actually I told Madelyn if she read the entire series of Little House on the Prairie books I would take her. She kept her end of the deal so I figured I better keep mine.  We took Lauren's Friend Kelsey with us and headed North to meet up with my mom half way.  We had a fun day!  We had planned to stay for the pageant but the weather turned stormy and it was cancelled.  So guess what that means?.... we are probably making a repeat trip next summer to see the pageant :)

 Owen playing the part of the disobedient student. 

Madelyn practicing at the teachers desk