Sunday, November 17, 2013

October 2013

 Homecoming 2013.  One of the best Fridays of the year! 

 Jillian walking in the homecoming parade with the rest of the Student Council.  They are known as the Lincoln Leaders which is why they are wearing top hats.

 Lauren is also on the Student Council over at the Middle School.  Here they are passing out candy at the parade.

 Nothing says October in South Dakota like a few men, a dog and a dead pheasant!

 Will turned 39 on October 19th.  The kids and I gave him 39 of his favorite things.  Most of which was candy :) 

 Getting ready to blow out the candles on his birthday cake made by his mom.
Halloween 2013.  We are getting ready to Trick or Treat the down town area with our friends the Sercks. 

Madelyn turns 8!


 On September 19th Madelyn turned 8 and in our house that means you get to have your ears pierced. (if your a girl that is!) She has been looking forward to this day for years! She was nervous but mostly very excited.  We had a girls day in Sioux City that included school shopping, lunch at Red Robin, Cherry Berry and the ear piercing.  It was a great day! 

 Here she is in her classroom the morning of her birthday.  The birthday girl gets to wear a crown and has a special seat cover.  She brought chocolate covered pretzels for her birthday snack.  For supper that night we went to Wendy's. This ended up being a huge hit mainly because Wendy's has a digital pop machine that can mix up to 100 different flavors of pop.  Its very fun!  I have a feeling the other kids might choose this as their birthday restaurant of choice in the future. 
A few weeks later we had the family down to celebrate.  Here she is with her pink flower cake made by Grandma Darlene.