Sunday, November 17, 2013

Madelyn turns 8!


 On September 19th Madelyn turned 8 and in our house that means you get to have your ears pierced. (if your a girl that is!) She has been looking forward to this day for years! She was nervous but mostly very excited.  We had a girls day in Sioux City that included school shopping, lunch at Red Robin, Cherry Berry and the ear piercing.  It was a great day! 

 Here she is in her classroom the morning of her birthday.  The birthday girl gets to wear a crown and has a special seat cover.  She brought chocolate covered pretzels for her birthday snack.  For supper that night we went to Wendy's. This ended up being a huge hit mainly because Wendy's has a digital pop machine that can mix up to 100 different flavors of pop.  Its very fun!  I have a feeling the other kids might choose this as their birthday restaurant of choice in the future. 
A few weeks later we had the family down to celebrate.  Here she is with her pink flower cake made by Grandma Darlene. 

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