Friday, May 21, 2010

Last day of school!

Jillian with her teacher Mrs Moon

Jillian & Lauren on their way out the door

Lauren with her teacher Mrs Schaeffer

Madelyn on a field trip to the fish hatchery during her last day of preschool last week.
Owen and I got to attend as well.

Owen-- Just being Owen!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


It seems a bit different to not have the usual wednesday night activities tonight.  Last week was our last AWANA meeting for the year.  The kids love AWANA and work very hard on their verses each and every week.  Lauren had a banner year as she graduated from "Sparks" and will begin "Truth and Training" next year.  She also earned an extra award for completing all the Sparks requirements and the review book. 

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mothers Day

Thank you Lord for allowing me to be a mother to my 4 very special kids. 

Thank you Lord for a mom that loves me unconditionally and has always been there for me

Thank you Lord for my mother-in-law who gave me my wonderful husband and who treats me like a daughter.

Thank you Lord for my Grandma Lilly who gave me my mom.  I am so grateful my kids get to know and spend time with their great- grandma.  Its a blessing not every child can have. 

I am blessed!  Thank you Lord!  Happy Mothers day!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Just the girls...

I find it interesting how God works sometimes.  I met Darlene more then 18 years ago and her life revolved around boys and sporting events.  Fast forward to the year 2010 and here we are sitting at a mother- daughter brunch with her 2 daughter in laws and 4 granddaughters!  (Her 3 grandsons were not invited :)) We had a lovely time at the event hosted by her church.  It was extra special to have our niece Kate there with us.  She fits in perfectly and we are so grateful God has blessed Natalie with a daughter!   We are all looking forward to many more of these "girls only" outings in the years to come.