Tuesday, August 23, 2011

First day of Preschool

Owen had his first day of Preschool today.  He will be going to Webster Preschool and his teacher is Mrs V.  He was very excited!

Owen with our neighbor Carson Ahlers

"Checking in".  His Teacher Mrs V shows him the system.

After a quick hug and kiss he was off to check out all the great toys.  I hope he gets good with that tool bench.  I have lots of projects for him here at home. 

Friday, August 19, 2011

First day of School 2011

Here is Jillian getting ready to leave for 2nd Grade.  Her teacher will be Mrs. Hoesing.  

 Here is our Kindergartner!!! Madelyn has Mrs. Moon and was very excited for her first day of school. 

Lauren is an old pro at this first day of school thing.  She hardly had time to tell me good bye and was off to see her classmates.  I guess that's what moms are supposed to want for their kids??  This mom just wants a hug!!  Her teacher will be Mrs. Rehurek. 

Dad and the kids on the first day of school.
Me and the kids on the second day of school

In other news.............

 Owen turned his crib into a "BIG BOY BED"  he falls out each and every night, but doesn't seem to mind a bit.  He is already asking for bunk beds.  I think we better wait on those.  :)

Monday, August 8, 2011

Supper Club

Here is our Supper Club.  We have been getting together for almost 3 years now.  We rotate between each others homes 4 times a year.  The host supplies the main dish and the rest of us bring the side dishes.  We literally have "gut bustin" fun!  At one point last night I thought my insides would fall out I was laughing so hard.  It had something to do with a fake snake and Sherri's chair when she pulled it out to sit down:)

Another one of our customs is to play a game.  We went a little over board last night and decided to host an "Olympic Festival".  It was complete with Wii games, pool, ping pong, basketball, and relay races in the swimming pool. When all was said and done many hours later the team of Cami and Will were the grand champions.   Needless to say we had a blast!
The relay race in the swimming pool had to do with swimming the length of the pool while pushing a floating turtle using only your face.  It was much harder then it looks!  At one point Matt and Jason were a little too close and the race became a bit more intimate then they had planned :)