Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas 2011

December began with a visit to Santa.

We had our family Christmas here in Yankton on December 22nd.  The big gifts were DSI's for the girls and a Bat cave for Owen

Uncle Jordan joined us for our family Christmas.  We had a steak supper, Christmas carols on the piano by Lauren and Jillian, and of course presents.  We ended the night with pie to celebrate Jesus's birthday.

Then it was off to Sioux Falls for our next Christmas celebration with Will's parents and his brother's family.  Here are the kids performing their second annual Christmas play written and directed by oldest grandchild Lauren.  It was very cute! 

All dressed up and ready for Christmas Eve service.

Getting ready to sing Happy Birthday to Jesus!

After a great day of wonderful food prepared by Darlene, Christmas Eve service, the reading of the Christmas Story, opening presents and a birthday party celebration, it was time to end the evening with a peak into their stockings. 

The next day we were off to my parents in Mitchell.  This was the view from their back deck.  It was definitely a brown Christmas this year.  We had a great time there as well. I was too tired to take many pictures however.  We had a wonderful lunch, more presents and our annual 5 dollar gift exchange.  Grandma Lilly, my Aunt and her boys and Paul and Darlene all joined us for the day.  
Here is my Dad reading his new Kindle.  We were not sure if he would convert to an e-reader.  But it looks like he is adapting well.  

Looking forward to 2012!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Lauren is 10!

Here is Lauren at 8 months.  She always smiled with her entire face!  She was a very happy baby.  
She plays basketball, takes dance, participates in Children's Choir and 4-H.  She loves to read and make craft projects.   She is our first born and will never realize how loved she is until someday she has her very own first born. :) We are so grateful for the day of December 5th, 2001 when our lives changed forever.  
We love you Lauren!