Monday, January 5, 2015

Will's 40th!

Will turned the big 40 on October 19th.  I surprised him on the weekend of his birthday by inviting 3 of his good friends over for steaks and card playing.  It was simple but I knew that was something he would really love and he did!

Family pheasant hunt on his birthday!

A custom cake for the old duffer made by our friend Sherri Oswald. It tasted way better then it looked!

He ended his birthday weekend with FCA here at our house.  Each kid brought a candy bar with scripture that somehow correlated with the candy bar name.  He loves candy and he loves God's word so it was the perfect gift.  Having all the kids at our house fellowshipping around the fire was a great way to end the night.

Madelyn turns 9!

Madelyn on her 9th birthday!  She is as sweet as she is cute.  She is always smiling and in a cheerful mood.  She enjoys ballet, reading, painting her nails, wearing dresses, and baby anything.  She loves helping in the church nursery.

Getting ready to blow out the candles on the birthday cake made by Grandma Darlene.  Her cousin Jake turned 7 a month earlier so we were celebrating his big day as well :)

Cross Country

Lauren competed on the Yankton Cross Country team this past Fall.  It ended up being quite a ride!  She had a great season and even earned a spot on the team to run in the state meet in Huron SD.  This picture shows the teams praying at the start line before the race.  This is a tradition that the Yankton runners initiate at most races.  They invite the other teams to join them in the prayer circle and then Coach Dannenbring usually leads the prayer.  Its SO awesome!

Here is the team with their 4th place plaque

Lauren and her favorite running partner Emerson being interviewed for the radio.

The start line.  Yikes! Talk about nerves!

Here is Lauren with Coach Haar.  He mainly works with the middle school Cross Country runners and until the last 3 weeks of the season this is who she trained under.  He was an amazing example to her and gave her tons of encouragement and confidence.  This picture was taken the night  Lauren received her Varsity letter.  It was a well deserved letter.  Lauren put in many miles, blisters you cant even imagine, bruised toenails, sore muscles, and so much more. I think she would admit it was all worth it!  Cross Country has won her heart I think.

First day of School 2014

Our annual back to school supper! 

Our guiding verse for this school year is Colossians 3:23: Whatever you do work at it with all your heart as working for the Lord not for man.

Here are the kids heading out for the 2014/15 school year.  Lauren 7th grade, Jillian 5th grade, Madelyn 3rd grade and Owen 1st grade.