Wednesday, November 4, 2009

leaving a legacy.....

I decided to start a blog! Why would a busy mom of 4 want a blog? Well, I mainly want it as a way to document glimpses of our days around our busy household. The kids are growing and changing so fast and I want something where I can capture bits and pieces of their lives through journaling and pictures. At some point I can print my blog and then put in their scrapbooks.
Apparently you have to name your blog- so after thoughtful consideration I decided to name our blog. The title was taken from a 2 and 1/2 year bible study I just completed today. It was titled "mom to mom" and it was a biblically based cirriculum designed to take a closer look at what God's word has to say about our mission as moms. It was awesome and I am going to miss that bible study. The title of the blog is "Beginning at the end: Legacy living from day one." It basically says in order to leave a legacy you need to live a legacy. I basically need to live from a backwards point of view- which means we look at the end goal first- my end goal is to live a life of kindness, compassion and service to God and others. Knowing that goal allows me to really think about how I want to parent, what kind of friend I want to be, and how I want to serve others etc. The way I carry out these tasks throughout my life will basically end up being my legacy. So there you have it. Check back later for more blog entries