Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St Patrick's Day

The kids have enjoyed learning about Leprechauns today.  I must say I knew nothing about them nor do I care to- but sometimes it amazes me how I can go through my whole life having known nothing about these made up  little creatures.  I guess there is a little truth to the saying "everything you need to know you learned in Kindergarten"  Apparently, I was not in class the day we learned about Leprechauns.  :)

   Did you know ( according to Jillian and Madelyn)
Leprechauns are tiny
Leprechauns live on rainbows
Lephrechauns are tricky and sneaky
Leprechauns have red beards
Leprechauns can escape from very small spaces
Leprechauns do not leave gold for people that are not wearing green
Leprechauns are very rarely seen

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!!

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