Wednesday, June 30, 2010

In Loving Memory of


Today we had to put to sleep our beloved dog of over 11 years.  She had been loosing weight and declining in health for the past few months.  It really progressed this past week and we had to make the difficult decison to say good bye to our watch dog, companion, floor sweeper, and lap warming friend.  If you are reading this blog then you already know how special Abby was to all of us.  The picture above was taken in May of 1999 when I brought her home for the first time.  I had wanted a house dog my entire life.  I was beyond thrilled!  I am so grateful for having had her in our home for the past 11 years and getting to share her with our kids.  I could not have scripted a better way for her to pass on.  We were with her and she did not have to suffer.

Abby was our "baby" for the first 3 years.

Abby and Lauren in 2002.  She loved the kids and was always very kind and gentle with them

The girls spending our last few minutes here at home with her. 

We love you Abby!

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