Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Madelyn goes to Preschool!

Madelyn started her second year of Preschool this morning.  She will attend Webster Public Preschool on M-W-F mornings.  She was very excited!
Her teacher's name is Mrs. Vondracek

The check in

A quick hug and she was off to join her classmates.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

First day of School 2010

Here we are enjoying our first annual "Back to School" supper.  We talked about our goals for the year and the example we wanted to set for our peers etc.  We even toasted the new year with sparkling grape juice.

Lauren heading to 3rd grade.  Her teacher will be Mrs Andrea.
Jillian is off to 1st grade.  Her teacher will be Mrs Lindgren.  This is her teachers first year of teaching.  We told Jillian how special this year will be for both her and her teacher.  I have heard a teacher never forgets their first class.  
Dad and his school girls!

Madelyn and Owen sitting at the breakfast table taking in the morning festivities!

The drop off.  
Lauren barely had time to pose for me and then she was off to see her friends.  Jillian stood close by for about 5 minutes and then found a friend. 

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The life of a tree.....

Notice the beautiful Maple Tree to the far left.  We are assuming it is 20 + years old

We had a storm on Sunday night with high winds.  This crack was found the next morning.  They checked into bolting it together but said that was not an option.  So down it had to come :(

It took 20 years to grow and less then 10 minutes to cut down. 
And that is the life of a tree.
  The End.

Monday, August 2, 2010

How can it be August already?

Jillian kicked off July by loosing her two front teeth!

We spent July 4th at Will's Grandpa's Farm as we always do. 

Lauren and Jillian completed another summer of softball.  Will is their coach.

We took a family vacation to the Black Hills.  The girls said their favorite part was the guided trail ride on horses.  We also had a great time at Cascade Falls.  Other highlights included:  A cave tour, Reptile Gardens, Hill City and Storybook Island, We ended it at the FCA camp in Spearfish where we took part in the last evening of activites and then headed back to Yankton the next morning.