Thursday, August 19, 2010

First day of School 2010

Here we are enjoying our first annual "Back to School" supper.  We talked about our goals for the year and the example we wanted to set for our peers etc.  We even toasted the new year with sparkling grape juice.

Lauren heading to 3rd grade.  Her teacher will be Mrs Andrea.
Jillian is off to 1st grade.  Her teacher will be Mrs Lindgren.  This is her teachers first year of teaching.  We told Jillian how special this year will be for both her and her teacher.  I have heard a teacher never forgets their first class.  
Dad and his school girls!

Madelyn and Owen sitting at the breakfast table taking in the morning festivities!

The drop off.  
Lauren barely had time to pose for me and then she was off to see her friends.  Jillian stood close by for about 5 minutes and then found a friend. 

1 comment:

  1. Love this! The dinner is a great idea...might have to steal that for next year:) Eli is off to kindergarten this year and loving it!
