Sunday, September 19, 2010

Madelyn turns 5!!

Here we are as a brand new family of 5 taking our first picture.  We lived in Omaha and delivered Madelyn at Methodist Hospital around 11 am in the morning. 
Madelyn was a happy baby.  She always had these big and rosy cheeks. 

Here is the birthday girl with her "princess cake" made by her Grandma Darlene.
Madelyn received a "bitty baby" and was thrilled! She is our girly girl and loves all things pink and sparkly.
Lauren made her sister a cardboard cake for her birthday.  Lauren spent over a week working on this project. 

As if her birthday party and presents were not enough, we also took part in our annual tradition of picking pumpkins from Grandpa Paul's pumpkin patch.  We hauled home tons of pumpkins and gourds.  It was a great way to end a very special day.  We love you Madelyn. 

I posted this picture because if you had a niece that was this darn cute you would do the same :) 

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