Sunday, January 9, 2011

A busy weekend

This weekend was a busy one for our family.  Perhaps the biggest news is that we no longer live here.

We sold this house
And moved into this house (temporarily that is)

Our home will be done at the end of February.  We are grateful to have sold our other house even if it means having to be inconvenienced for 2 months.  Our rental is great.  Its geared towards the lake community and is mainly used in the summer for families that come to use the lake etc.  Our house has a nautical theme on the upper level and a jungle theme on the lower level.  The kids are loving it!  

In other news this weekend...
Lauren is a member of the Yankton Children's Choir and performed in their Winter concert on Sunday.  They did a wonderful job and are very talented for 3rd through 8th graders.  
The concert was titled "The Snow Has a Song" which was appropriate for the day as its been snowing for hours and is forecast to snow for many more.
Enjoying some well deserved treats after the concert.

A great way to end the weekend. 

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