Saturday, January 29, 2011

Prayers please

Hello friends!  I ask you all to pray for a wonderful guy and his family that Will and I have known for years.  Adam Nelson was an usher in our wedding, and a roommate of Will's at USF.  As a couple we spent many evenings with Adam and  his wife Michelle.  He was recently diagnosed with a stage 2 type of malignant brain cancer.  He is a daddy to Brynn and Cooper.  I am copying his most recent post on his caringbridge website to give you an idea of the faith and trust he has in our Lord.  He and his family are truly amazing!  I hope and pray I could have the same faith and understanding if I was ever faced with a similar challenge.  Please lift them up in prayer as they face this difficult road ahead.  Here is Adam's most recent post:

So as look up at the clock as I type this little update I can't help but think back at what has happened over the passed week. One week ago today this new journey began in my (our) life and I can't express enough how richly blessed my family and I have felt from God and his body.
First, I would have to say that nobody and I mean nobody should feel sorry for me!!! What I have experienced on this short journey so far is the PEACE THAT TRANSCENDS ALL UNDERSTANDING! For all of you Brooklynites you will remember  back in the day Paster Abrams would close his sermons with this verse. Up until this past week I can honestly say that I couldn't understand this verse as I do today. I'm truely grateful to experience that PEACE and LOVE that Christ has extended to me. If this doesn't make sense trust me this is one of the best places to be.
Secondly, I can't express the LOVE my family has felt from all of you over the past week. I can only imagine how Christ is looking down from His throne and just smiling. This is exactly the way the body of Christ works. It's a beautiful thing to see and I want to say thank you to everyone. Continue to serve those people in your life.
I will post some more later, however, my breakfast is smelling so good and I'm starving.



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