Sunday, April 17, 2011

Behold your King

The girls have put in many practices preparing for our church's performance of "Behold your King".  They have loved each and every minute of it.  They have a very small part, but its tons of fun watching the other extremely talented men and women of our church rehearse.  They had their first performance today.  They will perform again on Wednesday and Thursday evening.
Lauren and Madelyn getting their stage make up applied.  Jillian said "no way" to the make up. 

Lauren and Madelyn running on stage to get the attention of Jesus in hopes that he will cure their sick sister

The teaching scene
Jesus heals their sister!

It was a wonderful way to begin Holy Week.   As you can see the girls and I have been quite busy with play practice and performances.  I thought I would give you a glimpse of what Will and Owen have been up to.
Farming!  Will got a tractor and the boys have been having fun!

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