Thursday, February 9, 2012

Owen turns 4!

Owen at 3 weeks

A very happy baby!  I loved holding him on my lap like this and making faces at him.

Here he is waking up on the morning of his 4th birthday.  As you can see he is in Jillian's bed.  This has been the norm for quite some time.  He goes to bed in his own room but at some point in the night wakes up and gets in bed with Jillian.  I think he realizes Jillian is the only sister that would allow this to happen every night.  We figure it's a phase and he will want his own space in his own bed soon enough.  The question is how long will Jillian put up with it :)

Holding his cookie pizza that he took to share with his classmates at Preschool.

Enjoying a play date/birthday party with his good buddies Evan and Carson. Later that night our family went to Fry'n Pan for supper, a Gazelles game and then home for ice cream cake.   We will celebrate his birthday with extended family in a few weeks. 

1 comment:

  1. Owen is getting so Big! Happy Birthday! Thanks for sharing your highlights, we miss seeing you guys and enjoy the periodic updates. Tell everyone hello from the Sorbys.
