Thursday, July 31, 2014

Easter 2014

We had an Easter to remember this year! We decided to head west and spend the weekend at the family cabin. We started the trip in Rapid City at the indoor Watiki Resort.  The kids got to swim and we even got a little shopping in before heading to our next stop.
Still enjoying the luxuries of running water and electricity at this point.

 Here is the clan at the cabin near Hot Springs SD.  Its rustic to say the least but the scenery is breath taking and the company was wonderful!
 This picture is worth 1000 words.  The kids love Uncle Jo Jo and we were so glad he chose to take this Easter adventure with us this year.

We had our own church service complete with a handmade cross and pasque flowers we found nearby.  Those were my Grandma Marian's favorite flowers.

 Lauren completed Hunter Safety Training last Fall so she was excited to go on her first Turkey hunt with Will.  No Turkey this year but lots of good memories.

 The kids on an Easter egg hunt.  We had tons of eggs and we are pretty sure there are still some out there!
A glimpse of the beautiful views.  We had a great trip and hope to do it again sometime soon!

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