Friday, September 26, 2014

Last day of school

Looking good for the last day of school!  Lauren had an awards assembly on the last day which is why she is dressed up.  She was recognized for her Student Council efforts, reading and math achievements, and was voted "best attitude" by her peers.  
 Jillian receiving an award from her 4th grade teacher Mrs. Rehurek.  Jillian loved Mrs. Rehurek's gentle spirit and awesome treats!

 This picture is just too sweet not to post.  This is Owen with his beloved Kindergarten teacher Mrs. Moon.  He loved every single day of class and had a special bond with Mrs. Moon. All 4 of our kids had her as their teacher. She will be one of those teachers our family never forgets.   It broke my heart (in a good way) to see him cry on the last day.  We have been so blessed by the teachers at Lincoln school!
Madelyn with her 2nd grade teacher Mrs. Hoesing.  Her teacher is also a family friend of ours so she got lots of extra love and attention this year while at school :) 

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