Sunday, December 25, 2016

Christmas 2016

 Christmas Eve at Paul and Darlene's.  We just got home from evening church service

 Everyone working to get that perfect shot! 

 The cousins performing the Christmas story for everyone

 After presents, we enjoyed treats and homemade Lefsa!

 Then is was time for a birthday party to celebrate Jesus and His birth.  This cake had actually been saved from Paul and Darlene's anniversary party this past summer.  It was just as delicious the second time. 

 Christmas Day found us in Mitchell at my parents.  We had a great day with family!

We ended the day by going to a movie with Grandpa Pat and Uncle Jordan

Thursday, December 15, 2016

December Happenings

 Lauren's first Winter Formal.  They all went as a group of friends.

  Madelyn and Owen had parts in the Church Christmas play.  Madelyn was "Mother Mouse" and sang a beautiful solo.

Owen was a sheep.  
Madelyn was a swan in the Lincoln School Christmas music program

Lauren turned 15!  

Sunday, November 27, 2016


 Madelyn was cast for the role of Young Mother Ginger in the production of "The Nutcracker" ballet.  It is performed every other year.  Its lots of hard work and many rehearsals but its a beautiful show and its a great way to kick off the Christmas season!

 Some of Madelyn's fan club

All smiles after receiving flowers from her dance teacher!

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Thanksgiving 2016

 Paul and Darlene hosted Thanksgiving in Sioux Falls.  We had a big crew this year!  

The kids were all smiles with Uncle Jordan here from Dallas.

Monday, October 31, 2016

Halloween 2016

Jillian was a Skittle as were the other players of her softball team.  Madelyn was a Starbucks Latte and Owen was a Storm Trooper.  It was a beautiful night for trick or treating!  

Monday, September 26, 2016

African Children's Choir

 We were asked to host 4 girls and their "auntie" from the African Children's Choir when they performed here in Yankton.  We had no idea what to expect but we were beyond blessed by the time we spent with them. During the day they would go to school at our church and then they would spend the evenings with us. They ended up staying with us for 5 nights and we had a wonderful time getting to know them better. They were so kind and well mannered!   It was hard to see them go but they sure have bright futures ahead!

 Madelyn with Michelle

 Jillian with Natasha and Benita

Auntie Laura with Karen

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Owen Fall 2016

 Owen played his first year of tackle football. #82!  He really enjoyed it.  He played various positions but he really enjoyed running back.

 Owen and Will took a trip to Dallas to see Uncle Jordan and watch the Oklahoma Sooners and the Dallas Cowboys play football. They also got to meet up with Ryan Miller and tour the TCU campus. It was a BIG weekend!  

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Cross Country 2016

 Jillian with the Yankton Middle School Cross Country Team

 This was Jillian's first year of XC.  She had a great season and actually ran with the JV team for most of the races.  She has a fierce look to her when she runs - similar to the look above.

 Lauren with the Varsity Girls Cross Country Team

At the start line with their fingers on the start button of their Garmin watches.

Monday, August 22, 2016

First day of School 2016

 Annual back to school dessert.  We had homemade cream puffs and our theme verse for the school year is from 2 Timothy 1:7

 Lauren is a Freshman at Yankton High School

 A picture of everyone together before Lauren leaves.  Now that she drives she leaves when she is ready and needless to say she doesn't miss having to wait for her siblings.

Jillian is a 7th grader at Yankton Middle School.  Madelyn is in 5th grade and Owen is in 3rd grade at Lincoln Elementary School

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Wyoming Summer Vacation 2016

 We took our family vacation to Wyoming.  No trip to Wyoming is complete without Yellowstone National Park and Old Faithful!

 Will actually had a Radiology conference in Jackson Hole Wyoming.  He had classes each morning so we slept in, sat by the pool and exercised while we waited for him to finish each morning.  The hotel resort area was great at Snake River Lodge.

 We enjoyed a dinner theater in downtown Jackson-hole.  It was a unique evening in that
 the electricity in the entire town went out for almost 3 hours.  They had just finished cooking our meal when it went out so we were still able to eat and enjoy the entertainment.  We watched a great musical called "The Ballad of Cat Ballou"

We had a great trip.  We enjoyed time at Snow king mountain in Jackson-hole where they had a ropes course and downhill sleds.  We went hiking and white water rafting and the kids and Will enjoyed a 2 hour horseback ride. 

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Baseball/Softball 2016

 We went to TONS of baseball and softball games this past summer.  As long as the weather is nice we love every minute of it.  Owen played on 2 teams.  A city rec team called the Dawgs and a traveling team called the Yankton Twins. Here he is with his good friend Evan.

 This is Owen's signature pitching pose.  We laughed so hard whenever he would do this on the pitching mound.  They are still so young that they have the opportunity to play several different positions.  So far he enjoys them all.

 Just finished winning a big game and got to play on the artificial turf here in Yankton.

 Jillian played her second summer with the Yankton Fury White.  They have so much fun together and are a great little team to watch. They love to sing and cheer in the dugouts.  You will even catch them dancing sometimes!

She played second base and center field.

Monday, July 4, 2016

July 4th, 2016

 We celebrated July 4th the way we usually do.  We enjoyed activities and supper at Lands Lutheran and then we headed to the farm to run around and shoot off fireworks.

 Will and Paul enjoying the homemade pies!

 It would not be July 4th without the crazy balloons!

 Here are the cousins up in the old barn.  Paul and his brothers used to shoot hoops in there.

This last picture is a sad one to look at.  After we left the farm that night, we got a call that there was fire at the farm.  Long story short the barn to the far left in this picture burned to the ground.  Paul's grandparents actually lived in that barn while the farm house was being built many years ago. Its sad to see something with such history and sentimental value burn up but we are glad it was only the barn and that nobody was hurt.