Monday, July 4, 2016

July 4th, 2016

 We celebrated July 4th the way we usually do.  We enjoyed activities and supper at Lands Lutheran and then we headed to the farm to run around and shoot off fireworks.

 Will and Paul enjoying the homemade pies!

 It would not be July 4th without the crazy balloons!

 Here are the cousins up in the old barn.  Paul and his brothers used to shoot hoops in there.

This last picture is a sad one to look at.  After we left the farm that night, we got a call that there was fire at the farm.  Long story short the barn to the far left in this picture burned to the ground.  Paul's grandparents actually lived in that barn while the farm house was being built many years ago. Its sad to see something with such history and sentimental value burn up but we are glad it was only the barn and that nobody was hurt.

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