Sunday, February 7, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday Owen!

"O", "O man" "Son" "Handsome" and "buddy" as he is called around here turned 2 today.  He has gone from a baby to a big boy in what seems like overnight.  Everytime he flashes that smile at me, my heart skips a beat :)  I never realized the bond a mother and a son had until the day he was born 2 years ago.  He was placed in my arms and I will be forever grateful!  We love you Owen.


  1. Happy Birthday, dear Owen! Two already! Yes those years go by so terribly fast. Glad you are enjoying those oh-so-important years home with the kids, Hilary. (And yes, those sons do have a special place in their mother's hearts.) (Great) Aunt Jeanie

  2. People always think I'm crazy when I say that the relationship between a son and mother is different from those with her daughters. I'm glad to know someone else agrees!!
