Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas 2011

December began with a visit to Santa.

We had our family Christmas here in Yankton on December 22nd.  The big gifts were DSI's for the girls and a Bat cave for Owen

Uncle Jordan joined us for our family Christmas.  We had a steak supper, Christmas carols on the piano by Lauren and Jillian, and of course presents.  We ended the night with pie to celebrate Jesus's birthday.

Then it was off to Sioux Falls for our next Christmas celebration with Will's parents and his brother's family.  Here are the kids performing their second annual Christmas play written and directed by oldest grandchild Lauren.  It was very cute! 

All dressed up and ready for Christmas Eve service.

Getting ready to sing Happy Birthday to Jesus!

After a great day of wonderful food prepared by Darlene, Christmas Eve service, the reading of the Christmas Story, opening presents and a birthday party celebration, it was time to end the evening with a peak into their stockings. 

The next day we were off to my parents in Mitchell.  This was the view from their back deck.  It was definitely a brown Christmas this year.  We had a great time there as well. I was too tired to take many pictures however.  We had a wonderful lunch, more presents and our annual 5 dollar gift exchange.  Grandma Lilly, my Aunt and her boys and Paul and Darlene all joined us for the day.  
Here is my Dad reading his new Kindle.  We were not sure if he would convert to an e-reader.  But it looks like he is adapting well.  

Looking forward to 2012!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Lauren is 10!

Here is Lauren at 8 months.  She always smiled with her entire face!  She was a very happy baby.  
She plays basketball, takes dance, participates in Children's Choir and 4-H.  She loves to read and make craft projects.   She is our first born and will never realize how loved she is until someday she has her very own first born. :) We are so grateful for the day of December 5th, 2001 when our lives changed forever.  
We love you Lauren!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Student of the Week!

Student of the Week!
The Eidsness girls have had back to back honors!  We are proud!  

Monday, November 14, 2011

Student of the Week!

Jillian was selected as Lincoln school's "Student of the Week"!  
Dairy Queen here we come!  

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Cardinals win World Series!

The Eidsness side loves their Cardinals!  We had a great time this past Friday evening cheering our Cardinals on to their 11th World Series Championship.  
Waiting for the final out!

Cardinals are the champs!!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Toby's First Hunt 2011

This past weekend was the opener for Pheasant hunting.  Our 7 month old Lab Toby had his first hunt.  He is pictured with his buddies Macy and Dakota.  Will, Jay, Dan, Paul, Bob, Donn, Pat and Adam had a great day as you can see by the picture.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Madelyn turns 6!

Here's the birthday girl with her cupcakes for her classmates before school this morning
She was looking forward to her special day.  Mrs Moon lets them sit at her desk for the day as well as has the class write a story about the birthday girl.  Here is what her classmates wrote:

Madelyn is a good friend.  Se is fun to hold hands with. She has good shoes . She has nice clothes. we like her hair. She has a beautiful face. She is a hard worker.  She has nice eyes. She is a cool friend.  She has neat things to put in her hair.  She runs fast. She is very kind.

 She had her friends over to celebrate this past weekend.  They had a great time getting a group pedicure, having and tea party,crafting, and of course playing!  

Soaking their feet before we paint their toenails
So pretty!

We melted old crayons and turned them into pieces of art!

We celebrated with Family last weekend.  Madelyn and our cousin Jake have birthdays in the same month so we had one big celebration.  Grandma Darlene made a pink and blue cake topped off with lollipops.  YUM!  They had a great day!
It was a beautiful day and we had our last Pool Party of the season. 

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Lauren's big week!

A purple ribbon at the State Fair in the 4-H Special Foods division!

It was very intense compared to the county level.  You can see in this picture the judge was watching her like a hawk. ( My Mom was giving the lady the evil eye and was about ready to take that judge out back :))   The parents were not allowed to help them set up or even be in the area.  After her smoothie was prepared and taste tested then it was on to her place setting.  That judge interviewed her for at least 10 minutes.  We had both talked when it was over that we thought it was probably going to be a blue ribbon year, but that we would get the purple next year.  We were VERY surprised when we got the results!  It was a great day and it was fun to have her sisters and grandparents along to share in the fun.   Here is the now retired recipe for......

2 bananas
2 cups of fresh spinach
1 cup of almond milk
1/4 teaspoon of honey
1 teaspoon of vanilla
1 teaspoon of cinnamon
Blend the above ingredients together and then add 4 cups of ice.  Blend again and then pour into tall glasses and garnish with a strawberry and green sprinkles.  Enjoy!  

Lauren also had a big week at school.  She was elected to the 4th grade Student Council at Lincoln Elementary.  Besides getting to represent her class throughout the year she also gets to help create and even ride on the homecoming day float that Lincoln has in the parade later this month.  

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

First day of Preschool

Owen had his first day of Preschool today.  He will be going to Webster Preschool and his teacher is Mrs V.  He was very excited!

Owen with our neighbor Carson Ahlers

"Checking in".  His Teacher Mrs V shows him the system.

After a quick hug and kiss he was off to check out all the great toys.  I hope he gets good with that tool bench.  I have lots of projects for him here at home. 

Friday, August 19, 2011

First day of School 2011

Here is Jillian getting ready to leave for 2nd Grade.  Her teacher will be Mrs. Hoesing.  

 Here is our Kindergartner!!! Madelyn has Mrs. Moon and was very excited for her first day of school. 

Lauren is an old pro at this first day of school thing.  She hardly had time to tell me good bye and was off to see her classmates.  I guess that's what moms are supposed to want for their kids??  This mom just wants a hug!!  Her teacher will be Mrs. Rehurek. 

Dad and the kids on the first day of school.
Me and the kids on the second day of school

In other news.............

 Owen turned his crib into a "BIG BOY BED"  he falls out each and every night, but doesn't seem to mind a bit.  He is already asking for bunk beds.  I think we better wait on those.  :)

Monday, August 8, 2011

Supper Club

Here is our Supper Club.  We have been getting together for almost 3 years now.  We rotate between each others homes 4 times a year.  The host supplies the main dish and the rest of us bring the side dishes.  We literally have "gut bustin" fun!  At one point last night I thought my insides would fall out I was laughing so hard.  It had something to do with a fake snake and Sherri's chair when she pulled it out to sit down:)

Another one of our customs is to play a game.  We went a little over board last night and decided to host an "Olympic Festival".  It was complete with Wii games, pool, ping pong, basketball, and relay races in the swimming pool. When all was said and done many hours later the team of Cami and Will were the grand champions.   Needless to say we had a blast!
The relay race in the swimming pool had to do with swimming the length of the pool while pushing a floating turtle using only your face.  It was much harder then it looks!  At one point Matt and Jason were a little too close and the race became a bit more intimate then they had planned :)

Sunday, July 31, 2011

June, July 2011

We kicked off our summer with our annual trip to the Black Hills area.  We dropped several high school kids off at the FCA sports camp in Spearfish.  We then traveled to Pulmer Gulch Campground near Mount Rushmore.  We had a great time riding horses, going to a chuck wagon supper, paddle boating, attending the lighting ceremony at Mount Rushmore, driving through the wildlife loop and then finally enjoying the closing night of worship and speaking at the FCA camp.  
There was nice little playground right outside our hotel room door, but the kids preferred to play on this rock.

Throughout the last 18 months of our house building project we had the opportunity to form new relationships with many of the people that have been working out here.  We have an awesome builder named Kirby and his son Thomas also works for him.  We were invited to attend Thomas and Ashley's wedding in July.  It was a beautiful wedding and the girls really enjoyed being at their first ever wedding.  

July 4th, 2011 found us at our usual spot- Grandpa Cliff's Farm.  We enjoyed supper, train rides and balloon animals at his old church, and cake and fireworks back at the farm. 
Who says the adults can't have a little fun as well :)

Another year at the rodeo in Mitchell and this year it was Madelyn's turn to try here luck at the "Muttin Bustin" event.  Her ride on the sheep was so quick I couldn't get a picture, but here she is with her participant trophy

Madelyn and Jillian played for the Yellow team this year.  Will was one of the coaches. Here they are with their good friends Sydnee and Annika. Softball kept us busy Monday thru Thursday evenings.  Lauren played one division up.  She now plays fast pitch and even got to pitch a few innings.