Sunday, September 4, 2011

Lauren's big week!

A purple ribbon at the State Fair in the 4-H Special Foods division!

It was very intense compared to the county level.  You can see in this picture the judge was watching her like a hawk. ( My Mom was giving the lady the evil eye and was about ready to take that judge out back :))   The parents were not allowed to help them set up or even be in the area.  After her smoothie was prepared and taste tested then it was on to her place setting.  That judge interviewed her for at least 10 minutes.  We had both talked when it was over that we thought it was probably going to be a blue ribbon year, but that we would get the purple next year.  We were VERY surprised when we got the results!  It was a great day and it was fun to have her sisters and grandparents along to share in the fun.   Here is the now retired recipe for......

2 bananas
2 cups of fresh spinach
1 cup of almond milk
1/4 teaspoon of honey
1 teaspoon of vanilla
1 teaspoon of cinnamon
Blend the above ingredients together and then add 4 cups of ice.  Blend again and then pour into tall glasses and garnish with a strawberry and green sprinkles.  Enjoy!  

Lauren also had a big week at school.  She was elected to the 4th grade Student Council at Lincoln Elementary.  Besides getting to represent her class throughout the year she also gets to help create and even ride on the homecoming day float that Lincoln has in the parade later this month.  

1 comment:

  1. Yay Lauren!! Everyone looks great! Hope you are all doing well!
