Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Madelyn turns 6!

Here's the birthday girl with her cupcakes for her classmates before school this morning
She was looking forward to her special day.  Mrs Moon lets them sit at her desk for the day as well as has the class write a story about the birthday girl.  Here is what her classmates wrote:

Madelyn is a good friend.  Se is fun to hold hands with. She has good shoes . She has nice clothes. we like her hair. She has a beautiful face. She is a hard worker.  She has nice eyes. She is a cool friend.  She has neat things to put in her hair.  She runs fast. She is very kind.

 She had her friends over to celebrate this past weekend.  They had a great time getting a group pedicure, having and tea party,crafting, and of course playing!  

Soaking their feet before we paint their toenails
So pretty!

We melted old crayons and turned them into pieces of art!

We celebrated with Family last weekend.  Madelyn and our cousin Jake have birthdays in the same month so we had one big celebration.  Grandma Darlene made a pink and blue cake topped off with lollipops.  YUM!  They had a great day!
It was a beautiful day and we had our last Pool Party of the season. 

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