Monday, May 28, 2012

Omaha Visit

Here I am with my dear friend Jill Christo during a recent visit to Omaha.  As most of you know we spent 4 years in Omaha while Will completed his Radiology Residency at UNMC.  Will and I can both say it was some of the best years of our life.
 I knew if I was going to be a stay at home mom with very young children and have a husband that worked very long hours that I would need a good friend.  God put Jill right across the street from me.  We met out on my front porch and became instant friends.  She had 6 month old twins and I had 18 month old Lauren.  By the time we left Omaha we each had 3 children under the age of 5.  1 year later we would each add another baby to the mix.
 We spent almost every week day together.  Most of our time was spent in our drive ways watching our kids on their ride on toys or at the neighborhood park.  We went through tons of blow up pools trying to keep cool in the summers. 
Life was simple back then.  We didn't have calendars we followed other then maybe an occasional outing to the zoo or children's museum.  If Will was home on a Saturday we would load up the kids in the double stroller and head to Panera bread for our favorite "Cinnamon Crunch" bagels and a coffee.  If Will had a day off you would find him playing with the kids or sitting on the deck reading from his text books.(He ALWAYS had a book!) I don't miss that at all :)   
We still strive to live a simple life, but times are much different now with kids in activities and various other commitments.  We wouldn't change a thing of course, but we are so grateful for our time in Omaha and the wonderful friendships we made and still have!

 14614 Grand Ave, Omaha NE.  We lived in Northwest Omaha at approx 144th and Maple.  It was a great little house. 

L to R  Courtney, Madelyn, Jillian, Owen, Drew, Ian, Lauren and Sydney.  Enjoying some time at the old neighborhood park.

Red Robin has a special place in our hearts.  It happened to be near our house and we found ourselves eating there quite often.  They always gave you a free burger and ice cream sundae on your birthday so we literally celebrated every single persons birthday at this restaurant for 4 straight years.  We even had the grandparents on the mailing list so they could enjoy a free burger on their birthday as well.  

Cheers to wonderful friends and priceless memories. 

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