Thursday, May 31, 2012

Mom's Last Day!

Today marks the last day of my mom working for the American Cancer Society.  Notice I did not refer to this as her "Retirement Day" .  If you know my mom she prefers to look at it a bit differently.  She is not sure what she wants to do in this next phase of her life, but I can assure you she will keep busy :)  My brother and I did buy her a Kindle just in case she wants to take a few minutes to relax and enjoy! 

My mom has always given 110% to whatever she does. Before this job, she was a Nursing Home Administrator and worked at Avera Brady Memorial Home for many years.   She then decided to switch gears and has since worked for the American Cancer Society in community relations and fundraising for over 10 years. If you have been to a Relay for Life event in her area or bought a bouquet of daffodils then she probably had a lot to do with it.   She is very humble, so I am not sure of how many awards she has earned or what they even mean,  but her office shelves are full.  She is a Registered Nurse and has her Masters Degree so who knows where her next adventure will take her. 

Here we are at her party celebrating her years of service at the American Cancer Society offices in Sioux Falls.  My brother could not make it home from Kansas City so he sent her the flowers she is holding. 

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