Monday, June 25, 2012

Black Hills 2012

We just returned from a great trip to the Beautiful Black Hills.  This year we went with both sets of parents as well.  We stayed at the Pulmer Gulch KOA/logdge.  Its a campground and Hotel with lots of great amenities.  My parents set up their camper and the rest of us stayed up at the hotel.  We had a great week!  Here are just a few of the highlights. 

The kids and the grandpas enjoyed a few games of softball.  I wish I could have got a picture of Grandpa Paul's diving and rolling catch he performed!

Here are the cowboys and cowgirls sizing up their horses before a trail ride at the Circle B Ranch.

                                                   All saddled up and ready to ride!

                 Owen wasn't old enough for the trail ride but enjoyed his time on Buckshot the pony.

                                                       My mom panning for gold

Old fashioned Chuck wagon dinner and entertainment.

Will gave me these flowers in celebration of our 14 year anniversary while on the trip.  We came across a wood carver that made these out of wood shavings.  My kind of flowers.... the kind I can't kill!  

This is the hunting cabin in the Hills you sometimes hear me referring to.  As you can see its not much to look at, but the view is spectacular!  I hear the hunting is pretty good as well.

The view from the porch.  On a side note, this is the area where Will and I were engaged while on a hike 15 years ago.

We have a great swimming hole we love to visit called "Cascade Falls".  The shallow areas are crystal clear and it has little water falls and great areas to jump in as seen here.

Not bad for a bunch of old guys :)

Grandma Darlene with the girls while looking for pretty rocks to take home as souvenirs. 

After all the fun we had, the grandpas needed a little nap by the camp site.  I Wish I had more pictures of the campsite.  My parents were wonderful camping hosts.  We had great food and smores by the campfire at night.  It was a great little vacation!  We are so blessed to have both set of parents able and willing to take vacations with us.  We made lots of memories!

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