Sunday, August 19, 2012

Summer 2012

July 4th celebration at Grandpa Cliff's farm. 

 Madelyn played softball for team "First Dakota"

Will was her coach

Jillian played softball for the" Fury" 

Lauren played for the "Shamrocks".  This was her first year on a traveling team.

Owen completed "Safety Town"

We all spent lots of time spraying weeds and watering!

The summer went way too fast but we sure enjoyed it!  We had record breaking heat this summer so it was a great summer to have a pool.  We loved following the kids softball games, playing "hot box" in the front yard, going out for ice cream, riding our bikes and so much more!  We ended our last day of summer with our annual "Back to School Supper"  We enjoyed a great supper and set our goals for the school year.  We always look forward to this tradition.

Our guiding verse for the school year:
"The Lord does not look at the things man looks at.  Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart."  2 Samuel 16:7

Looking forward to the first day of school tomorrow morning!

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