Sunday, May 26, 2013

End of the year....

Proud Mom Alert!  I have lots to share as it's been a very busy Spring. 
 AWANA awards night.  Of all the things the kids have accomplished this year, these are the awards that I am most thankful for.  They have spent many hours learning verses and completing projects.  I know having that knowledge of the bible and the word of God in their hearts is going to take them far!
 Celebrating with our neighbor Austin at the reception after an awesome Yankton Children's Choir Spring concert!

 Mother's Day 2013.  I am blessed!
 Lauren and Jillian with their piano teacher Muriel.  We loved hearing them play at their recital.
They also earned blue ribbon superior ratings at our local piano contest this past Spring.
 Owen graduates from preschool!  Here he is recieving his diploma.

 Lauren recieved the President's Academic Excellence Award at her 5th grade awards banquet.  She works very hard and we are very proud of her!
 She is leaving behind many great memories at Lincoln Elementary School. She is looking very forward to Middle School.   Here she is with her Principal Mr. Struck. 
 Owen's Last day of Preschool at Webster.  Mrs Vondracek and Mrs. Mclure

 Madelyn's last day of 1st grade with Mrs Haceckey
 Jillian's last day of 3rd grade with Mrs Fitzsimmons
 Lauren's last day of 5th grade with Mrs. Roth
Madelyn preparing for her ballet dance.  We loved watching her in the Dance Recital!   She is a beautiful dancer.

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