Monday, August 19, 2013

Summer 2013, Part 1

We started the summer off with a trip to the Black Hills for a Yankton Children's Choir tour.  Lauren and Jillian sang at Wall drug, Mount Rushmore and Story Book Island.  Here they are with Lauren's friend Paige and our neighbor Annika.

After the tour the rest of the family met up along with both sets of grandparents to take part in the Crazy Horse Volks March.  We had a great hike and really enjoyed the experience.  Will and I and our parents had completed it 11 years ago.  Lots has changed since then!  We stayed at our favorite place .  The Pulmer Gulch KOA.  We did some horseback riding, saw the Badlands and even had time for an old time photo!

July 4th at Grandpa Cliff's Farm.  The cousins love being together!  They always line up their chairs and take in the firework show being put on by the adults.

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