Monday, August 19, 2013

Summer 2013, Part 2

SOFTBALL!  We played lots of softball this summer!  Each of the girls played on a different traveling team so that kept us plenty busy.  Here is Jillian after her state tourney in Sioux Falls.  She enjoyed playing for the Fury.

Here is Madelyn giving pitching a try at one of her games.  She played for the younger Fury team and loved it as well!  She referred to her uniform as her costume and loved getting dressed up as she would say :)

Here is Lauren with her Shamrock team after the state tourney in Rapid.  They had a great summer together!

Dad and Owen practicing for the Mutton Bustin event at the 2013 Corn Palace Stampede Rodeo

The ride was so quick we didn't get a picture.  But he sure was cute!

We had lots of fun this summer, but also found time to work and help out around the house and yard.  Here is a before shot of some of our trees before we pulled weeds....

After.....  Those poor baby trees have to feel sooo much better now!

Will and the kids after a successful morning of weeding!

Can't beat ending a long summer day of fun and swimming with s'mores around the fire pit with the neighbors!

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