Sunday, January 5, 2014

Christmas 2013

 Our Christmas celebrations began here in Yankton with our annual family Christmas.  The kids usually put on a play for us and this year's was excellent as always.  This picture shows them singing and playing Christmas carols to end the program.  Owen was not interested in rehearsing this year so he was booted from the program :)

 After opening our presents we had a birthday party for Jesus. 
 Our Advent wreath.  We didn't get a chance to light our candles each and every Sunday this year so we had a short devotional and lit all of them at once during our celebration.  Shortly after this picture was taken all of these candles melted into my stone hearth.  We blew them out but forgot about the fire place behind them .Ugh! 

 Then it was on to Sioux Falls to spend Christmas with Will's family.  Grandma Darlene always has a beautiful table set.  Only one glass was broken this year.  Needless to say with 7 kids at the table the meal can get a bit stressful sometimes with all this beautiful china to work around :)

Just back from Christmas Eve service
 All of the grandkids singing Christmas carols before we open gifts
 Watching my niece Kate open her first American Girl doll! 
 Another birthday party for Jesus.  Darlene made scrumptious red and green birthday cake.
 Then it was off to Mitchell the next morning for Christmas with my family.  As you can see Owen loves the gift opening part!  We had a great lunch prepared by my mom and our annual 5 dollar gift exchange with our extended family. 
 My Dad and Grandma enjoying the gift opening
Whew!  They made it!  Relaxing at Grandma Clark's after everyone has gone home.  As always, it was a wonderful Christmas.  We are so very blessed!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing pictures and narrative of your Christmas! It was indeed a blessed time. Savor those times. Jeanie
