Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Paul's retirement

We celebrated  Grandpa Paul's retirement this past weekend!  He began his career back in 1966 in Freeborn MN.  He was a High School teacher and coach.  He also taught in Mapleton MN.  He then moved on to working with investments for many years and concluded his working days as a small business owner at Alternative Resources in Sioux Falls SD.  By his side for all those years raising 2 boys and keeping the home front running was of course Grandma Darlene. 

 We celebrated at Natalie's with some of Paul's favorite foods.  BBQ sandwiches, chips and banana splits.  To show our appreciation and how proud we are of both of them we surprised them with  massage gift certificates and an ipad!

Darlene has never even turned on a computer.  But she says she is ready to learn the ipad.  She will be face timing and insta-graming all of us before we know it! This picture shows the younger generation teaching the older generation the ropes :)

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