Sunday, July 27, 2014

BIG birthday party!

 We had busy schedules to deal with this past January so we decided to celebrate my birthday, my dad's birthday, Jillian's birthday and Owen's birthday all in one celebration!!  I loved my present.  Will and the kids had a picture I had in storage framed.  Its a painting of the church and grade school I attended growing up in Mitchell. The church remains but the school has since been torn down. It turned out beautiful.
 My 38th birthday picture with my dad.  We have always celebrated our birthdays together.  His birthday is one day after mine. My mom had a delicious cake made for us by a gal in Mitchell.                                              
 Jillian prefers Grandma's homemade sugar cookies instead of cake for her 10th birthday.
Owen turned 6!  He chose a pudding eclair type dessert.

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