Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Christmas 2014- Part 2

 On Christmas Eve we headed to Sioux Falls to Paul and Darlene's.  We had a wonderful meal prepared by Darlene and then went to church.  This was our first year celebrating in Grandma and Grandpa's new house!

 The girls always prepare lots of Christmas piano music leading up to the holidays.  This year we brought our portable keyboard with us so they could provide a little pre gift entertainment.  They had a wonderful concert planned and prepared for all of us to enjoy. 

 We all enjoy a good puzzle and this year we even finished it!

Grandpa Paul, Grandma Darlene and the all the grandkids!

We had all of Paul's old Cardinals t-shirts made into a quilt for him.

We ended the night as we always do with a birthday party fit for a king!  Oh wait, the party was for a king!!  Happy birthday Jesus!!

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