Friday, February 13, 2015

Lauren turns 13

Lauren is now 13 and an official teenager!  My parents came down for supper on her actual birthday because the family party we had already planned for later that month would not work for them.  We decided to go all out and headed to the Black Steer.  Lets just say it was a birthday supper she will never forget.  The service was SO slow it was comical.  We were there for over 2 hours!  By the end all we could do was laugh. We came home and opened a few gifts and had a great night all in all!

 Here she is with her homemade birthday cake courtesy of Grandma Darlene. 

 We had a jammed packed day.  After we celebrated Lauren's birthday with the grandparents and cousins we were off to the Church Christmas program.  This year's program was called "Christmas at  Toy Land"  Jillian was Barbie (notice Ken next to her) Madelyn was a ballerina and Owen was a train conductor.  It was a very cute play.  Jillian had a small solo and sang beautifully. 

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