Sunday, March 27, 2016

Easter 2016

Well Easter weekend brought us a mini snow storm!  I honestly can't remember why they all decided to bundle up and head outside but I do remember they had fun! 

 While the men and kids were playing outside we were inside getting ready for Easter Sunday

The Easter baskets were full on Easter morning

 Heading to church

Grandma Darlene made an awesome dessert.  We didn't even take time to sit down at the table.  We just devoured them right at the island! 

These pictures say it all.  We played Bean Boozled and it was a hoot!  You take turns eating random flavored jelly beans.  You might get pink grapefruit or you might get vomit.  You  might get chocolate or you may get dog poo.  It really is fun!  

We ended the weekend with a  few games of Dutch Blitz

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