Sunday, May 1, 2016

Spring 2016 Happenings

Will took Lauren and Jillian to the cabin in Hot Springs for a weekend turkey hunt.  They had a great time and Lauren got a nice turkey!

Spring time means kitties around here!!  Once and awhile we even get to watch them being born.  Ruby had 3 kitties in this litter.  She has had 3 litters and 13 kitties in her short life. 

One of our favorites!  Just kidding- we love them ALL!!

AWANA Grand Prix awards night

 Awana end of the year awards

We finally had time to squeeze in a friend birthday party for Owen at the Lazer barn.  The boys had a blast!  They did the indoor and outdoor course.

Madelyn  participated in the Girls on the Run program throughout the Spring.  She really enjoys running and we hope she will stick with it! 

Last day of Middle School for Lauren

Last day of 6th grade, 2nd grade and 4th grade. Jillian is recovering from a black eye after a knee to the eye during a slide in a softball game this past weekend.

Dance Recital time! Her smiles in these pictures say it all.  She loves to dance!  Lyrical costume.

Madelyn and her friend Sydnee.  Tap costume

Madelyn and her teacher Mrs Timera.  Jazz costume

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