Friday, September 26, 2014

Summer fun

Madelyn played for the Fury White softball team this summer. 

                                                       Jillian played for the Fury Red

Lauren played for the Yankton Shamrocks

  4th of July at Grandpa Cliff's Farm with all the cousins

Making a few final memories with our neighbors the Ahlers :(  They moved at the end of July to Colorado.  We were so sad!!  They will always be like family to us and we miss them tons!

St Louis Cardinals Trip

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We took a family vacation to St Louis in Late May.  Jay, Natalie and family also caravanned with us.  Here we all are at the City Museum.  It was an AMAZING museum!  Hours of fun and exploration.

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Here is everyone getting ready to ascend the St Louis Arch.  The view was spectacular from the top.

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The main reason for the trip..... To watch the CARDINALS!  We went to 3 games against the Diamondbacks. We swept them! We had a great time.  The kids got tons of balls thrown to them, we had great seats and perfect weather.  It was a great way to start off our summer.

Last day of school

Looking good for the last day of school!  Lauren had an awards assembly on the last day which is why she is dressed up.  She was recognized for her Student Council efforts, reading and math achievements, and was voted "best attitude" by her peers.  
 Jillian receiving an award from her 4th grade teacher Mrs. Rehurek.  Jillian loved Mrs. Rehurek's gentle spirit and awesome treats!

 This picture is just too sweet not to post.  This is Owen with his beloved Kindergarten teacher Mrs. Moon.  He loved every single day of class and had a special bond with Mrs. Moon. All 4 of our kids had her as their teacher. She will be one of those teachers our family never forgets.   It broke my heart (in a good way) to see him cry on the last day.  We have been so blessed by the teachers at Lincoln school!
Madelyn with her 2nd grade teacher Mrs. Hoesing.  Her teacher is also a family friend of ours so she got lots of extra love and attention this year while at school :) 

Spring events 2014

 Spring Children's Choir Concert
 Awana Awards night.  Lauren, Jillian and Madelyn all received the highest awards in their division.
 Annual Lincoln school Book Parade.  Madelyn chose a Fancy Nancy book.
 Madelyn's Dance Recital.  "Alloutte" was the name of her performance.
Mother's Day!

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Easter 2014

We had an Easter to remember this year! We decided to head west and spend the weekend at the family cabin. We started the trip in Rapid City at the indoor Watiki Resort.  The kids got to swim and we even got a little shopping in before heading to our next stop.
Still enjoying the luxuries of running water and electricity at this point.

 Here is the clan at the cabin near Hot Springs SD.  Its rustic to say the least but the scenery is breath taking and the company was wonderful!
 This picture is worth 1000 words.  The kids love Uncle Jo Jo and we were so glad he chose to take this Easter adventure with us this year.

We had our own church service complete with a handmade cross and pasque flowers we found nearby.  Those were my Grandma Marian's favorite flowers.

 Lauren completed Hunter Safety Training last Fall so she was excited to go on her first Turkey hunt with Will.  No Turkey this year but lots of good memories.

 The kids on an Easter egg hunt.  We had tons of eggs and we are pretty sure there are still some out there!
A glimpse of the beautiful views.  We had a great trip and hope to do it again sometime soon!

Traveling Basketball

 Jillian plays for the Yankton Sparkx.  Will is one of her coaches.  She loves to play and this picture was taken after her team won their division of our local Roger Haas Tourney!
 Here is Lauren with her team the Zelles.  They have been together since the 3rd grade and have a blast playing and spending time together.
Owen of course comes to most of his sisters games.  He always has friends to hang out with and they have a great time playing on their iPads and running around.  We love the families we spend our time traveling with.  Its a win win for everyone!

Piano contest and Choir Concert

 The girls continue to take piano lessons once a week.  They participated in the local piano contest and were awarded Blue ribbons for their excellent performances!  Here they are with their teacher Muriel.  We are very thankful for Muriel and the patience and dedication she shows the girls.  If your all wondering when Owen will start taking lessons...  according to him it will be "never", so don't hold your breath :)

Lauren and Jillian with their teacher Jacquelyn and accompanist Dixie after their winter Yankton Children's Choir concert.  They attend choir once a week and have 2 big concerts each year along with smaller performances within the community.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

BIG birthday party!

 We had busy schedules to deal with this past January so we decided to celebrate my birthday, my dad's birthday, Jillian's birthday and Owen's birthday all in one celebration!!  I loved my present.  Will and the kids had a picture I had in storage framed.  Its a painting of the church and grade school I attended growing up in Mitchell. The church remains but the school has since been torn down. It turned out beautiful.
 My 38th birthday picture with my dad.  We have always celebrated our birthdays together.  His birthday is one day after mine. My mom had a delicious cake made for us by a gal in Mitchell.                                              
 Jillian prefers Grandma's homemade sugar cookies instead of cake for her 10th birthday.
Owen turned 6!  He chose a pudding eclair type dessert.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Paul's retirement

We celebrated  Grandpa Paul's retirement this past weekend!  He began his career back in 1966 in Freeborn MN.  He was a High School teacher and coach.  He also taught in Mapleton MN.  He then moved on to working with investments for many years and concluded his working days as a small business owner at Alternative Resources in Sioux Falls SD.  By his side for all those years raising 2 boys and keeping the home front running was of course Grandma Darlene. 

 We celebrated at Natalie's with some of Paul's favorite foods.  BBQ sandwiches, chips and banana splits.  To show our appreciation and how proud we are of both of them we surprised them with  massage gift certificates and an ipad!

Darlene has never even turned on a computer.  But she says she is ready to learn the ipad.  She will be face timing and insta-graming all of us before we know it! This picture shows the younger generation teaching the older generation the ropes :)

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Christmas 2013

 Our Christmas celebrations began here in Yankton with our annual family Christmas.  The kids usually put on a play for us and this year's was excellent as always.  This picture shows them singing and playing Christmas carols to end the program.  Owen was not interested in rehearsing this year so he was booted from the program :)

 After opening our presents we had a birthday party for Jesus. 
 Our Advent wreath.  We didn't get a chance to light our candles each and every Sunday this year so we had a short devotional and lit all of them at once during our celebration.  Shortly after this picture was taken all of these candles melted into my stone hearth.  We blew them out but forgot about the fire place behind them .Ugh! 

 Then it was on to Sioux Falls to spend Christmas with Will's family.  Grandma Darlene always has a beautiful table set.  Only one glass was broken this year.  Needless to say with 7 kids at the table the meal can get a bit stressful sometimes with all this beautiful china to work around :)

Just back from Christmas Eve service
 All of the grandkids singing Christmas carols before we open gifts
 Watching my niece Kate open her first American Girl doll! 
 Another birthday party for Jesus.  Darlene made scrumptious red and green birthday cake.
 Then it was off to Mitchell the next morning for Christmas with my family.  As you can see Owen loves the gift opening part!  We had a great lunch prepared by my mom and our annual 5 dollar gift exchange with our extended family. 
 My Dad and Grandma enjoying the gift opening
Whew!  They made it!  Relaxing at Grandma Clark's after everyone has gone home.  As always, it was a wonderful Christmas.  We are so very blessed!

Christmas program

This years Christmas program was called "Hark".  Jillian and Madelyn were angels and had a speaking part.  Owen was a sheep and Lauren was the "Director" and had a small solo.  Time sure passes quickly.  This was Lauren's last Christmas program :(